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The Naftali Wydra Division for Ports and Shipping Research

Yehuda Hayuth

Yehuda Hayuth, born in Jerusalem to Eliezer and Margalit, spent his formative years in Kiryat Haim. His service in the Israel Defense Forces as a paratrooper included participation in the Battle for Jerusalem during the 1967 Six-Day War. Hayuth's academic journey began at the University of Haifa, where he earned a B.A. in Geography and General History. He then obtained an M.A. with honors in Geography, specializing in Urban and Regional Planning, from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. His educational pursuit culminated in a Ph.D. from the University of Washington, USA, focusing on Maritime Transportation Systems and Port Planning.

Hayuth's expertise in the maritime field gained international recognition in 1980 when his innovative approach to long-term port planning won first prize in a competition hosted by the Rotterdam Port Authority and M.I.T. His reputation as a leading expert in shipping and ports grew, and he played a crucial role in integrating the Wydra Institute into the University of Haifa. Hayuth's career at the university progressed rapidly, leading to his appointment as Vice President for Administration in 1992 and his election as president in 1995, a position he held until 2004.

After his tenure as university president, Hayuth led an integrated transport project team in the European Union, further expanding his international influence. He later returned to the Wydra Institute, where he continued contributing his valuable maritime studies expertise until his retirement. Throughout his career, Hayuth's work significantly advanced the understanding and development of shipping and port systems, impacting academia and industry.


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