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2024 Projects


Our first project involves digitizing and enhancing the accessibility of our library and archive. Previously, these valuable resources were only accessible physically. We are carrying out this project in collaboration with the dedicated digitization team of the University of Haifa Library. By the end of 2024, we aim to complete this project and make our extensive collection available online through our website.

The second project showcases our active partnership in a workshop jointly organized by the Leon H. Charney School of Marine Sciences, the University of Haifa's Innovation Labs, and the National Center for Blue Economy. This workshop, led by Ms. Sharon Liper, provides professional support and guidance for innovative ventures in the blue economy sector. The Wydra Institute specifically supports initiatives focusing on shipping and port domains, contributing our expertise to nurture new ideas in these areas.

Cargo Containers
Cargo Ship at Sea

Our third project involves the development of a professional course in shipping and ports, named in honor of Yehuda Hayuth. Captain Yigal Maor will lead this course, which will become an integral part of the Master's program in Maritime Strategies starting in the 2025 academic year. This initiative reflects our commitment to cultivating the next generation of maritime experts and ensuring the continuity of knowledge in our field.

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